“Will you be my valentine?” Love, risk, and the call to discipleship (Lk. 5:1-11)


“Will you be my valentine?” 

Check “yes” or “no.”

I remember nervously scratching those words onto a piece of wrinkled paper before clumsily handing it to my childhood crush.

Perhaps some of you have done the same – and hopefully it turned out better for you!


Today in honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ll offer a blessing at the end of Mass to all couples who’ve said, “yes,” who are celebrating one, two, ten, or many Valentine’s days together.

If you ask anyone who’s been married, such a deep commitment doesn’t happen overnight; it may start with a Valentine’s Day note. 

But love grows in stages. 

For example, there’s the time you first met, your first date, your period of engagement, and finally your wedding day.

But even that is only the beginning of the journey. After the wedding comes years – if not decades – of commitment.

The same is true in the path of discipleship. We don’t become zealous for God overnight; it takes time. It comes in stages. 

Just look at Saint Peter. 


In the Gospel, Jesus makes a harmless request of him, asking Peter to borrow his boat so he can preach to the crowds. 

But when he’s finished, Jesus turns to Peter a second time, challenging his professional life. 

Peter just fished all night long without making a single catch. Those empty nets were not only a blow to his pride; they also meant no money in his pocket and no food on the table. It was a serious matter.

But Jesus uses Peter’s failure as an opportunity to draw him in.

He shows Peter that he can provide for him, especially when he cannot provide for himself. “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch,” he says.

Though it seemed like an absurd thing to do, Peter obeys him and lowers his nets. Suddenly, they’re tearing at the seams!

Thankfully Peter trusted in his hour of need.


How often have we drawn empty nets like Peter? 

Think about those times we’ve failed professionally, personally, relationally, or in our spiritual lives. 

It’s precisely in these moments that the Lord invites us to turn to him, allowing him to provide for us when we cannot provide for ourselves – to put bread on the table, to give us strength when we’re weak, or the grace to forgive when we’re hurt.


But notice Peter’s next reaction to Jesus. Aware of Jesus’ power and goodness, Peter pushes him away, saying, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” 

Peter uses his sinfulness as a reason not to follow Jesus. 

But that isn’t fair to the Lord. He sees much more in Peter than that.

Jesus sees an experienced fisherman – a man with calloused hands, who understands the value of hard work, perseverance, problem solving, and teamwork.

Jesus knows Peter can use the skills he’s acquired professionally in his future life as a disciple.


How often do we react like Peter, using our sins, our fears, or our weaknesses as an excuse not to follow the Lord?

For example, we may turn down an opportunity to serve in a particular ministry, stay quiet instead of speaking out about our faith, or close an otherwise open door to the future because we’re afraid.

That isn’t fair to anyone. 

Like Peter, we all have God-given talents that we can put in service of the Gospel. It’s important to be aware of them and to use them well, lest they be wasted. 

As Jesus says to Peter in the Gospel, “Do not be afraid. Follow me.”


Peter’s decision to follow the Lord didn’t happen only once; it was a daily decision. And it rarely got easier.

In the same way, we must be ready to hear God’s voice when he speaks to us, then get up and follow him. 

Maybe the Lord will speak to us today through a conversation with a friend, a line in a book, or a gentle nudge in our heart.

When he does, will we listen?


Jesus didn’t tell Peter what his future held; only that he would mysteriously fish for men. 

Still, the call to discipleship was clear.

The same is true for us. We don’t know what our future holds. But the call from Jesus is clear.

He’s asking us to follow him. Check “yes” or “no.”