Somehow everything in life is connected.


Gospel: Luke 13: 18-21

Jesus said, “What is the Kingdom of God like?
To what can I compare it?
It is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted in the garden.
When it was fully grown, it became a large bush
and the birds of the sky dwelt in its branches.”

Again he said, “To what shall I compare the Kingdom of God?
It is like yeast that a woman took
and mixed in with three measures of wheat flour
until the whole batch of dough was leavened.”

The Gospel of the Lord.



Leonardo da Vinci said, “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”

For example, if a spider were to spin a web three feet long by three feet wide, and I cut a hole the size of a penny into one of its corners, then the entire web would lose a certain amount of strength. 

Every inch of that web is connected. 


Think about your spiritual life in a similar way.

Although we might not see a direct connection between every particular action and our overall sense of wellbeing, everything is connected.

If you increase your personal prayer time, then you’ll also notice a decrease in your stress level.

If you’re generous, then you’ll find a greater sense of detachment from worldly things.

If you’re involved in parish ministry, then you may find a stronger sense of peace.

If you give more time to the Lord, then you may find more time for yourself.

As Jesus says in today’s Gospel, a single pinch of yeast permeates an entire loaf. Everything works together; everything is connected.


What’s something positive that I can do to nourish my spiritual life today?

Perhaps it’s a few minutes spent in prayer. A phone call to a friend. A quiet walk through nature.


That single action can increase your overall sense of wellbeing. Like repairing a hole cut into a web, somehow, it’s all connected.



Image credits: (1) (2) Academy for Systems Change (3) Damron Chiropractic and Wellness

2 Replies to “Somehow everything in life is connected.”

  1. YES and THANK YOU for articulating!!! With every prayer, with every action, we are connected. I believe when the actions and prayers are coordinated collectively and aligned with God’s will, the chords of harmony create glorious symphonies.

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