“I have come to set the earth on fire.” – Jesus


Gospel: Lk. 12. 49-53

Jesus said to his disciples:
“I have come to set the earth on fire,
and how I wish it were already blazing!
There is a baptism with which I must be baptized,
and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished!
Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth?
No, I tell you, but rather division.
From now on a household of five will be divided,
three against two and two against three;
a father will be divided against his son
and a son against his father, 
a mother against her daughter
and a daughter against her mother,
a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”

The Gospel of the Lord.



“I have come to set the earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing!”

What is this “fire” that Jesus is referring to? 

The “fire” of God’s divine, red-hot love.


If you are in a good place spiritually, then that love feels like a “fire” in the best sense of the word – God’s love warms you and illumines your path.

As the Psalmist says, “Your word is a lamp for my path and a light – a ‘fire’ – for my steps.” 

God’s love can also fill your heart with fiery passion. As the prophet Jeremiah says, “Your WORD is like a fire in my bones; woe to me if I do not preach it!” 

We see this divine fire at work in the lives of the Saints, who put God first in their lives.


But, if you’re not in a good place spiritually, then that same divine “fire” can feel painful as it purifies.

For example, the first day of sobriety can feel like fire to an addict. But it’s a good thing; the Lord is burning away an addiction.

Telling the truth can feel like fire to someone caught in a lie. The Lord is burning away dishonesty.

Forgiving a deep-seeded wound can feel like fire to someone who’s been nursing a grudge. But the Lord is burning the anger out of a person’s heart.

An act of humility can feel like fire to our ego.

Honesty, self-control, forgiveness, and humility … these are all good things! They’re necessary for spiritual growth and healthy relationships. They’re the fruit of God’s Spirit working in our lives!

In order for these virtues to grow, God must melt away our pride. That’s hard. It burns. It’s fire.

Are there parts of me that need the Lord’s purifying touch?


“I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing,”the Lord says. May the spark of God’s divine love be ignited within us today.



Image credits: (1) Group Bible Study, Google Images, Set the Earth on Fire (2) Bishop Robert Barron, Twitter, Sprout Social (3) Catholic Exchange, Set the World on Fire

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