Growing Spiritually this Advent (On the feast of Saint Francis Xavier)


A businessman once approached Mark Twain with a false sense of piety and said: 

“Before I die, I intend to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I want to climb to the top of Mount Sinai and read the Ten Commandments aloud.”

To which Twain responded, “I have a better idea. Why don’t you stay right at home in Boston and keep them?”


Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis Xavier, a priest of the 16th century who travelled extensively throughout Asia, baptizing over 40,000 people.

While that’s a remarkable feat, baptism was simply the first day of these Christians’ journeys. 

Like that businessman from Boston, they’d be challenged to not only accept the faith, but also to live it out day by day.


We face the same challenge.

As we move further into this season of Advent, how is the Lord inviting me to live my faith in a deeper way?

Maybe that means becoming more aware of other’s needs. For example, most of us don’t need another sweater or an extra pair of socks for Christmas. 

But there are plenty who do. 

What if we spend more on the poor than on those with plenty this Christmas?

Or maybe we’re being invited to grow in patience; to be intentional about letting go of a grudge or a lingering habit; or more deliberate about spending time in prayer.


As Mark Twain might say, “Whatever the Lord is inviting us to do, why don’t we stay right here and do it.”


How to Get Things Done | Psychology Today