Journeying Together: After a year at St. Pius X.


Today marks the one-year anniversary of my arrival at St. Pius X. 

I still remember how nervous I felt walking into this church on a dark and cold November night. It looked like there were only fifteen or twenty people here at Mass. 

COVID was still raging across our nation, social distance was being enforced, and you had been without a shepherd for six months.

How was I ever going to lead this community forward?

What I didn’t have in answers, I tried to make up for in faith. 

It was clear to me from the beginning that I needed to set a vision – to see into the future, dreaming about where we can go, how we can prosper, and so on. Today that vision is becoming a reality.

So much of our growth this year has been the result of building our first parish pastoral council in 20 years. Over the last two months, in particular, we’ve had many conversations about our vision statement.

Namely, what sets us apart? Why do we exist? Why should people come to St. Pius X? This statement will be imprinted shortly onto glass panels and hung on the panels behind me, but you can see it on the screens today.

It says: “All generations journeying together with Jesus to satisfy our hungry hearts. Come and see!”


What does this mean?

Allow me to return to the image I first preached with upon my arrival at St. Pius X a year ago. Strangely enough, it fits perfectly with our vision.

You may remember, I spoke about a pilgrimage I made to the Holy Land a few years ago.

I remember, in particular, visiting the town of Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. 

As I wandered along near the edge of town, I noticed a young boy shepherding his flock of sheep across a busy street.

Leading the charge were the young ones, moving so energetically it seemed they were dancing.

But in the very back was an old ewe with dusty brown fleece. 

She walked with a terrible limp, perhaps the result of arthritis or a broken leg. With every step, she jerked her neck back and forth, throwing her body forward, visibly terrified of being left behind.


Yahweh's Children - Sheep


Sheep are not very smart animals, but they have a natural herding mentality, and cannot survive on their own. 

If a sheep becomes separated from the flock, it literally stands in place and shakes in fear, waiting either for its shepherd …. or for death.

Thankfully, that young boy noticed what was happening, so he moved to the back of the flock, gently helping that old ewe across the street. 

Routine, perhaps.

But if the young sheep in front weren’t paying attention to where they were being led, then they would’ve become the ones who were lost.

Whether it’s young or old, aging or new to the flock, a sheep’s strength always lies in its closeness to the shepherd

He is their guide. Without him, sheep can do nothing; they are lost. In that sense, every sheep is equal – and equally dependent upon their shepherd.


This image holds so much meaning for me and relates strongly to our vision statement: like a herd of sheep, we are all equal in our dignity; we are journeying together; and we all must remain close to Jesus, our shepherd.

“All generations,” it’s written, “journeying together with Jesus to satisfy our hungry hearts. Come and see!”

Those final three words, “Come and see,” remind us that our work here is never finished. While we already form a flock of disciples and friends, part of our mission as Christians and members of this parish is to invite others to join us.

Spread the word: “Come and see.”

Come and see this community we are building. Come and see the God whom we worship at Mass. Come and see how we are making St. Pius X a place where we find meaning and strength for our journeys.

Come and see.


A year ago, I arrived in a place I now gratefully call, “home.”

This journey has been immensely blessed. But with the momentum we’ve built, I know even greener pastures are ahead for us.

Wherever this journey takes us, our strength lies in staying true to who we are: “All generations journeying together with Jesus to satisfy our hungry hearts. Come and see!”


Quotes about Journey Together (22 quotes)


Image credits: (1) iStock (2) Yahweh’s Children – Sheep (3) Quote Master