Christians are called to live in “ecstasy.”
When we hear the word, “ecstasy,” our minds may drift to that terribly destructive drug. But the word, “ecstasy” originally referred to a religious experience.
It meant to, “step outside of yourself,” to see the world from someone else’s perspective.
Isn’t this what God did when he took on flesh?
In the Incarnation, the Lord stepped outside of heaven; he came down to earth, and learned what it felt like to live and move as a human being; to flee King Herod as a refugee; to feel the twinge of hunger; to know the embrace of a mother; to be loved; and even to be hated.
The Lord stepped outside of himself whenever he encountered his neighbor. He was constantly healing the sick, forgiving the sinner, teaching the curious, and stretching people’s minds to see what it really means to love.

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
While this feast reminds us of the infinite mercy of God, it also challenges us to step outside of ourselves and see the world from another person’s perspective.
It’s something we can do in the smallest of ways: we can listen before we speak; reach out to a lonely neighbor; feed an empty stomach; or pray for a person in need.
In what ways do I live in “ecstasy”? How do I step outside of my own thoughts or plans and see the world from someone else’s perspective?
May we continue to model our lives after our merciful God, who has loved us and given himself for us.

Image credits: (1) Rohn and Associates Design, Inc. (2) Jesus Washing Peter’s Feed, Ford Madox Brown, Tate (3) Vatican News