How would you feel if you literally told a demon to go to hell – and it went?
I’d be stunned. Surprised. Maybe even a little arrogant.
That’s how the disciples felt in today’s Gospel.
Jesus sends them out on mission – to cast out demons and to heal the sick in his name – and they did! Now they’ve returned rejoicing.

While Jesus rejoices with them, he also warns them against puffing up their chests.
The disciples need a reminder that every good work – even casting out demons – comes from God. Nothing the disciples do will ever be on their own.
Without the Holy Spirit, they can do nothing.
Perhaps that’s a reminder to all of us. It’s easy to feel confident when we succeed. But the glory belongs to God.
Perhaps we organized a food drive and thousands of meals and thousands of dollars were collected. Give glory to God.
Maybe we sing as a cantor at Mass – people are soothed by our voice; maybe we delivered an inspirational homily; or got a promotion at work after years of hard work. Give glory to God.
Maybe we’re celebrating our first day of sobriety; our tenth wedding anniversary; or have overcome a particular trial. Give glory to God.
Although we may not drive out demons like the disciples did, today we can accomplish great things.
But we must give glory to God, who alone is the source of all that is good.