Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you know why.”
In my case, I know I was born to be a priest.

Six years ago, on this Feast of the Guardian Angels, I was ordained a deacon in Saint Peter’s Basilica. It was the beginning of my ministry in the Church.
Over the years, I’ve baptized your children and grandchildren, celebrated weddings and vow renewals, prayed at the bedside of the sick and dying, and commended hundreds of people to the Lord.
Being a priest has been the greatest honor of my life.
It’s why I was born.
If we consider Twain’s words through the eyes of faith, we’ll discover an important truth.
God has a purpose for all of our lives, a reason why we’re here. Once we discover it, we should never let go, because the closer we follow the Lord, the happier we’ll be.
Have you discovered the meaning of that “second day”? Do you know why you’re in this world?
If you’re still looking for that purpose, ask your guardian angel to guide you.
All we need to find the answer is an open heart. But finding the answer is only the beginning.
We should spend the rest of our lives carrying it out.
In the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Here I am, LORD, I come to do your will” (Isaiah 6:8).