I’m sure we all love someone who’s strayed far from the Church and from the Lord. It may be a parent, a spouse, a child, or a friend. But we all know someone who doesn’t find comfort in faith.
Today, in particular, is our day to pray for them, because it’s the feast of Saint Monica.
Saint Monica is the patroness of mothers, married women, and alcoholics.
She never had it easy. Her husband imposed his unbelief upon their children. He was also unfaithful to her in marriage.
But Monica never gave up on him – or on her children.

We know the story of one of her children, in particular, Augustine of Hippo.
Like his father, Augustine was a restless, wayward youth who caused his mother to worry constantly. He was immensely talented but saw no need for faith.
For 17 years, Monica prayed for his conversion – and shortly before her death her prayer was answered.
Augustine not only became a Catholic. He was also ordained a priest and later a bishop.
He wrote extensively about his Catholic faith, in particular, in his famous autobiography, Confessions.
He remains one of the most influential Catholic writers the Church has ever known.
On her deathbed, Monica asked one thing of her son: “That you remember me at the altar of the Lord wherever you may be.”
That’s something we can all do for our loved ones – remember them here at the altar of the Lord.
May the Lord draw them – and us – ever closer to himself.