How many of us have heard of people who are, “spiritual, but not religious”?
Many are drawn to the idea. It’s all about peace and love.
“Away with all of the rules and boundaries of religion,” they say. “It’s too constricting. Do good and good will come to you.”
The problem is, however, that God becomes more of a “hippie” than a judge.
And hippies can’t administer justice. We need a God who punishes evildoers and rewards the righteous.
In the Gospel, we find the opposite approach.
The scribes and the Pharisees are “religious, but not spiritual.”
They treat religion in a very rigid sense; God gives us rules to be followed. If you follow them, then you can earn your salvation.
But if you break them, then there’s no mercy for you.
God is not a “hippie.” He’s a “judge.” And a harsh one at that.
Some Catholics grew up with this mindset, as well; follow the rules and you’ll be saved. But beware of breaking them.
Jesus teaches us to take more of a middle of the road approach, to be both spiritual and religious.
See God as your judge, who is also incredibly merciful.
The one criterion by which the Lord will judge us is love. That’s it.
Religion boils down to, “Love your God,” Jesus says, “and love your neighbor.” Then we will be pleasing in his sight.
How might we do both, even in little ways, today?

Beats me.