Be Present in the Moment: A Lesson from Jesus (Matthew 6:7-15)


“Give us this day, our daily bread.”


That’s a tough line to pray – and mean.

We’re all living in uncertain times.

Uncertain if our small, family owned business can sustain a partial reopening; uncertain if we’re going to contract the Coronavirus; uncertain if there will be a second wave; uncertain about the economy; uncertain about what school – or even work – will look like in the fall.


Looking to the future can really unnerve us, which is why Jesus teaches us to pray, “Give us this day, our daily bread.”

If we’re constantly looking to tomorrow, then we’ll miss the beauty of today.

There never has been – and never will be – another June 18, 2020.

But we’ll miss all the blessings today has to offer if we spend our energy worrying about tomorrow.


We can deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.

God is focused on today. 

Shouldn’t we be?