Is Christianity Simply a Series of Contradictions? (A Meditation on the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:1-12)


Critics are quick to point out what they see as the many contradictions in our faith.

For example, people call me “Father,” but I have no children.

Then Jesus teaches us to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us, to humble ourselves in order to be exalted.

Best of all, lose your life if you want to save it.


Jesus himself forgave the weak and those living on the fringes of society while condemning religious authorities; he preached about virtue while eating and drinking with sinners.

The night before his death, he offered his Body and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine after washing his disciples’ feet.

The Master kneeling before his servants.


File:Jesus washing Peter's feet.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


Today Jesus gives us the Beatitudes, saying the poor, the merciful, the peacemakers, the persecuted, and those who mourn will be blessed.

To the world, all of this is nonsense; a “how to” on being a doormat. It seems like down is up and up is down.

But that’s the point.

Jesus turns the values of this world upside down, right side up.


It’s the only path to peace, showing power through service; being humble, gentle, merciful, and putting the needs of others first.

It’s something our country – and our world – desperately needs to be reminded of today.

This sounds like one big contradiction.

But maybe it’s the world, not us, that has its logic twisted, because everything that Jesus teaches boils down to love.

This is the root answer to nearly problem we face, loving one another regardless of the other person’s race, gender, religion, or politics.

Only when do that, will lasting peace and justice follow.


The way Up is Down. James 4:6 #humility #humble #christ #christian ...