Why must Jesus call us sheep? (Good Shepherd Sunday)


Have you ever wondered why Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd, and we, his sheep? 

Why not something with a little more pizzazz?

Imagine Jesus saying, “I am the Good Gorilla.” Or, “I am the Mighty Lion. You are my cubs.” I’d rather be a lion cub than a senseless sheep.

But that’s the point.

Sheep are defenseless.

They have no claws, no paws, no venom, or fangs. When a wolf comes along looking for its next snack, sheep are an easy target.

When attacked, sheep literally run around in a big circle, hoping they’re not the one eaten! Imagine these sheep thinking, “Catch her! Catch him! Just don’t catch me!

That furry frenzy reminds me of musical chairs.

Cowardice at its best.


Sheep need a shepherd. 

Without him, they’re nature’s next snack.



Are we any different?

Just think about the frenzy caused by the Coronavirus. A single virus has thrown the entire world into a frenzy. 

People can be highly suspicious of one another. If a person coughs or sneezes, for example, we’re struck with fear. Is that person contagious? Will he or she infect me?

It’s serious business. Our fears are legitimate. We can’t see our way out of this.

We need a shepherd.


The same idea applies to anyone living without financial security, without a job, without a loved one… with a health scare, a sudden shock, or disappointment. 

These experiences can really unnerve us, making us feel like we’re running around fearfully in circles. We need someone to calm us.

We need a shepherd.

Jesus assures us we will not be eaten. He keeps the wolves at bay.

As Saint Paul says, “No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Even when the time comes for us to walk through the valley of death, we shall not fear, for the Lord will be at our side.

“I am the Good Shepherd,” Jesus says, “my sheep hear my voice; I know them and they follow me.” (John 10:14, 27).


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Sheep also have a herding mentality. They cannot survive alone.

If a sheep gets separated from the flock, it starts to panic; it literally stands in place and shakes. It’s only chance of survival is being found by its shepherd.

Otherwise, it’s nature’s next snack.

In a similar way, Jesus tells us that we must live and move as ONE Church, as ONE parish.

Everyone matters – the young, the elderly, the sick, the newly baptized, the newly confirmed, the homebound, couples, parents, families, and the priests.

We all count. We’re all needed. We all add something unique to the herd.

And we’re always stronger together.


During this time of social distancing, however, it’s much easier to become isolated.

Thankfully, so many of you have been reaching out to one another, especially our sick and homebound, making sure no one becomes separated from the parish flock. 

We must continue to do this, even after the Coronavirus pandemic ends. Even in ordinary times, when life seems “normal,” it’s easy to become lost.

Think of the widow who buries her husband, the person who’s inwardly battling depression, the college freshman who’s never been away from home.

A simple phone call, a handwritten letter, or a personal visit can help assure them they’re not alone.

As Saint Paul says, “So we, though many, are one body in Christ.”

Can you name one person who may feel distanced from the fold? Whether that means separated from their family, their friends, their Church, or their Shepherd? 

Even in this age of social distancing, how might we bring that person back into the fold?

We need to think creatively, ensuring we remain united.


“I am the Good Shepherd,” Jesus says. Meaning we are not mighty lion cubs; we are sheep.

Sheep have no way of defending themselves. They have no claws, no paws, no venom, or fangs.

But no wolf – no threat of any kind – should ever shake our confidence, because we have our shepherd.

And we have one another.


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