“Not My Will, But Yours Be Done.” (Acts 9:1-20)


Saint Paul’s conversion may be the most famous conversion story in history. 

Once a murderer of Christians, he becomes the Church’s most vocal mouthpiece and, perhaps, the most accomplished missionary.

Such an intense inner transformation is unique. But there is something of Paul’s story that should resonate with all of us.


After appearing to Paul in a flash of light, the Risen Christ tells him, “Get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do.”

Before this encounter, Paul did whatever he wanted to do; whatever he thought was right; whatever his will dictated.

Part of that, we know, was persecuting innocent people.

But now Paul is listening to Jesus; the Risen Lord tells him what to do. And his first assignment is quite challenging.

Instead of riling up the Jews in Damascus, Paul must try to convert them.


Preaching among idolatrous hipsters? Study Paul. | The Christian ...


His words will be met with great resistance. But so will the remainder of his ministry. Life for this newly converted Christian will not be easy.

Nor is it for us, at times.

But Christians are men and women who have ceased doing whatever they want to do, favoring the Lord’s will, instead.

Like Saint Paul, when has my faith led me in a new or different direction? How has the Lord changed me?


Being ordained a priest is certainly an example in my own life.

As Saint Paul, or anyone who’s followed the Lord can attest, sometimes doing the Lord’s will isn’t easy.

But it’s always right.

And it leads to inner peace.

How is the Lord inviting me to follow him today?


The Call of Jesus “Follow me” : John 1:43-51 |