The War Within…A Morning Meditation


There’s an old Native American tale about two wolves, which they believe are living inside all of us.

Unfortunately, they’re at war with one another, vying for our time and attention.

One wolf feeds on negativity; things like anger, lust, jealousy, gluttony, and pride.

While the other feeds on positivity; things like love, compassion, generosity, kindness, and faith.

The question is, “Which wolf wins?”


The one we feed.

Which wolf am I feeding?


We can summarize much of Jesus’ teachings into this idea; feed the good wolf within.

As he says in the Gospel, “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.”

Feeding that good wolf within leads to lasting happiness, and ultimately, eternal life.


During this Coronavirus pandemic, it’s become much harder to feed that good wolf. 

We’re all stressed, bored, cooped up, and somehow exhausted.

It’s all too easy to become angry, selfish, and lazy in times like this; it’s easy to feed that negative wolf within.

The Lord invites us to do the opposite; to feast on patience, kindness, and faith. If we do, then we’ll come out of this crisis healthier, happier people. 

But the choice is ours.


Which wolf will you feed?


The Two Wolves inside of us all - Trainer Joe's