What is the Universal Language? A Morning Meditation (Mark 16:15-20)


In the Gospel, Jesus promises to give us the power to speak new languages. But out of every language on this planet, which one is the most important?

After all, there is one language we all must speak.


The language of love.

Love is what drives out the demon of hatred; the demons of pride and prejudice; the demons of jealousy, envy and greed. 

As it’s written elsewhere, “Love covers a multitude of sins.”


Fortunately, there’s more than one way to speak this language of love. Some say there are five primary ways.

We express love through words of affirmation; through acts of service; by offering gifts; by spending quality time with others; and through physical touch.

So how do I speak this language of love?


Maybe I prepare a home cooked meal for my family each night; an act of service. 

Maybe I insist on telling my family I love them before ending a phone call; words of affirmation.

Maybe I show my love by offering a hug; physical touch.


There is one language we all must speak, the language of love. However you say it, make sure you say it today.

5 Love Languages - Nina Nabieva - Medium