When the Door Opens, Will You Take It? (Luke 24:35-48)


How many horror films involve someone wandering alone in the dark or trapped inside a room?

Think of Buffalo Bill in “Silence of the Lambs.”

Do you remember the scene when he turns his night vision goggles on and begins pursuing Clarice in his basement? Chilling.

Such movies play on a fear we all have – the fear of insecurity, of being trapped, of not knowing how to get out, or where to go next.


Think of the disciples in today’s Gospel. They’re frightened.

They’ve locked themselves inside a room in Jerusalem, trying to hide from the authorities. Jesus was killed just days ago and, logically, they fear they’re next. If they leave that room, they very well may be killed.

Talk about being trapped.

Suddenly, the Risen Jesus appears to them and says, “Peace be with you.” He knows they feel trapped and need somewhere to go, a door to be opened.

Unfortunately, that door is right in front of them, leading back into the streets of Jerusalem.


The disciples are being asked to face the crowds who put Jesus to death, and share the good news his resurrection with them.

Perhaps even to the Apostles’ surprise, some who hear this message are converted on the spot.

What a change of events! One moment the disciples are terrified, locked inside a room. The next they’re preaching in public.

The Lord answered their prayer; he came to their rescue. But in a very unexpected way.


How many of us feel like we need a door opened? A new job? Better health? A second chance? An answered prayer? A path that leads to life beyond grief?


The same Jesus who opened a door for the disciples opens doors for us. But sometimes it leads to unexpected paths.

The question isn’t, “Will God answer me?” The question is, “Will I accept where he wants me to go?”