Two Ways to Combat Fear and Anxiety: A Morning Meditation (Genesis 17:3-9)


In these uncertain times it’s natural for all of us to live in some state of fear and anxiety, because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.


But there are two ways to combat these negative feelings.

The first is to be grateful. It sounds strange to say, but we still have so many things to be grateful for. 

Most of us still have our jobs, we have safe homes to live in, food on our shelves, and so many Americans working heroically around the clock to find a cure to the Coronavirus and to care for the sick. 


We can also look back over other periods of uncertainty in our lives and see that God pulled us through. As it’s written in scripture, “God is faithful.”

He keeps his promises.

Abraham learns this, too, as we hear in our first reading. God promises to make of him a great nation with descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. 

Today half of the world’s population calls Abraham their father in faith.

A reminder that God is faithful.


That gratitude then leads to trust. 

One way we demonstrate our trust in God is to be generous to others.

Namely, feeding those who are hungry today. Caring for those who are sick today. Reaching out to those who are lonely today. Donating to charitable causes today.

The opposite of such trust means hoarding our resources and supplies out of fear that we may run out tomorrow. 

But remember the words we pray every single day, “Give us this day, our daily bread.” Our faith is based on a God who provides our daily bread.

We don’t need to worry about tomorrow.

Just today.


That’s easier said than done, I know. 

But we’d still benefit from trying to maintain an attitude of gratitude in these uncertain times, trusting that the Lord will provide for us each day, so long as we do our part in providing for others.