The Most Important Book You’ll Ever Read…A Morning Meditation (John 8:31-42)


Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, newspapers have been listing a series of books that you and I may want to consider reading in light of the times.

Examples range from Edgar Allen Poe’s, “The Masque of the Red Death,” to Stephen King’s 1,200-page thriller, “The Stand.”

Each novel entertains the idea of some silent killer wreaking havoc on society.

While timely, these books begin collecting dust as soon as we’re finished; we know how they end. So we place them on the shelf, perhaps never to be read again.


Then there are the classics, books appreciated generation after generation because of their brilliance, wisdom, and wit. 

Authors like Dante, Shakespeare, and T.S. Elliot come to mind.

Their insights into humanity are timeless.


Beyond the classics is the bible.

It’s more than a page-turner, and more than a classic. It’s meant to be read again, and again, and again, because it best teaches us how to live our lives.

Soaking in the words of Jesus, in particular, is a must.

As he says in today’s Gospel, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


The word “disciple” comes from the Greek, “to learn.” To be Jesus’ disciple means to learn from him. 

So when was the last time I cracked open my bible or highlighted a particular passage? When did I last soak in the words of Jesus?


Herein lies the difference between a novel like Stephen King’s, The Stand, and the bible. Both cost about 20 bucks on Amazon. 

But one ends up collecting dust on our shelf after reading it, while the other should be the most important point of reference in our lives. 

If we haven’t already, sit with the Word of God today for a few minutes.

Let Jesus speak to you.