Preparing for Jesus’ “Hour”… From Good Friday to Easter Sunday (John 7:1-30)


“No one laid a hand on him because his hour had not come” (John 7:30).


Throughout John’s Gospel, Jesus makes constant reference to his “hour.” 

We first hear him speak about it at the wedding at Cana, when Jesus turns 150 gallons of water into wine at the prompting of Mary.

We hear further reference of his “hour” in today’s Gospel. The religious authorities are collapsing in on Jesus, plotting to kill him but they do not because his “hour” has not yet come.

What is this “hour” Jesus is so concerned about?


The “hour” of his crucifixion, death, and resurrection.


Everything that Jesus does throughout his life, throughout his ministry, every sermon he preaches, every miracle he performs is somehow inspired by this “hour.”

In two weeks from today, you and I will journey with Jesus as his “hour” begins to unfold. 

On Good Friday, he will be mocked, scourged, and crucified.

And on Easter Sunday he will rise again, the fulfillment of his “hour.”


Jesus prepared himself for his “hour” throughout his life. 

It’s also what we’re called to do particularly during Lent. So how well have we journeyed with Jesus this Lent? 


There’s no doubt this has been a unique Lent. Never before, at least in my lifetime, has Mass be publicly suspended. 

But let’s not use this as an excuse to fall into a type of spiritual complacency or laziness. Rather, seize every opportunity we have to grow in our prayer life.

There’s only two weeks left until Good Friday. Jesus will embrace this “hour” with incredible courage, knowing his death will lead to his resurrection.

Make every effort to remain by his side. For his resurrection promises our own.