Dig In and Pray: A Morning Meditation


I’m sure we all know the feeling of being heavy burdened.

When life is hard, our faith can be the first thing that’s tested, which is why the prophet Jeremiah is such an important role model for us. 


When the Lord first chose him to be a prophet, he was young and idealistic, ready to save the world.

As he once said, “When I read your words, I devoured them, O Lord! They became my joy and the happiness of my heart!” 


But after several years in ministry, Jeremiah begins to tire, questioning his faith. Is it really worth it? Was this all a mistake?

This is where we find him in our first reading, questioning; tired and distressed.

He’s discovered his own friends are plotting to kill him because he’s criticized their way of living; they hate his message of repentance.

“Let us destroy him,” they say. 

Knowing his life is in danger, Jeremiah still preaches the truth, because the Word of God is like a fire in his bones; he cannot hold it in. 

Even if it costs him his life, he will serve the Lord.


That’s a man of faith. 


It’s also what Jesus calls his disciples to be at their very core: men and women of faith who don’t run when life is difficult.

Rather, they dig in and pray.