One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: A Lenten Meditation. (Matthew 17:1-9)


Just a few months ago, a movie came out called Harriet, which was about the heroic life of Harriet Tubman, the leader of the Underground Railroad.

Has anyone seen it?

The movie offers an in-depth look at the suffering she endured under the yoke of slavery before courageously escaping from her captors, finding freedom in the North. 

What makes Harriet’s life so fascinating is the fact that, after finding her own way to freedom, she turned around and spent the next ten years of her life helping others to do the same.

She used a system called the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses that led people from slavery in the South to freedom in the North. 

Amazingly, Harriet never lost a single “passenger.” Every person who followed her found their way to freedom.

But this was the caveat: you could not travel without her. Only Harriet knew the way. 


In a similar way, Jesus reveals his divinity to his disciples in today’s Gospel. 

First, he leads Peter, James, and John up a high mountain, where he begins glowing from within, and speaking with Moses and Elijah, two of the greatest prophets from the Old Testament. 

Then God proclaims from the heavens, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.”

The message is clear: Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He’s from heaven and to heaven he shall return. And anyone who follows him shall also arrive safely in paradise. 

That’s the good news for Peter. He understands this. But the bad news? Peter doesn’t understand yet just how hard following Jesus can be. 

As Saint Paul says in our second reading, we must, “bear our share of hardship for the Gospel,” because there’s no reward without sacrifice; no life without death; no resurrection without the cross.


This what Lent is all about: learning how to follow Jesus. In particular, learning how to “listen” to his voice, a voice that speaks softly – but consistently – throughout our lives. 


Think of how often we feel the Lord guiding us through our conscience, through prayer, through scripture, or through the sage advice of a friend.

God constantly urges us to listen – and to follow him.

But sometimes it’s just not that easy, is it? We hear many voices vying for our attention.

There is the call to follow Christ, yes. 

But then there’s the call to win, to have the perfect marriage, to chase after pleasure, to consume more than we need, to pretend our lives are pieced perfectly together.

The call to follow Christ is but one voice among many, which is why we need to be disciplined, to make sacrifices, and to trust this Lent.


Return to the story of Harriet Tubman. 

Although she and her “passengers” wanted nothing more than to find freedom in the North, they faced plenty opposition along the way.

There were militiamen, bounty hunters, and law enforcement officials, who wanted to capture or kill them.

At times these “passengers” even had to fight against their own instincts, telling them to give up; to turn around, to return to where they came from.

Many questioned Harriet. “Where is she taking us? Does she really know what she’s doing? How can we trust her? Our lives are in her hands!”


In a similar way, you and I should expect to encounter obstacles to our spiritual growth, not only during Lent, but also throughout our lives. 

For example, we’re immersed in an increasingly secular, self-promoting, consumer-driven culture. Life is not about God; it’s about me.

And sometimes the people we love don’t share our faith or understand our value judgments. 

Hardest of all is the truth that we can even be at war with ourselves. As Saint Paul says, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 

How often we experience one step forward with the Lord, then two steps back. Like “passengers” on the Underground Railroad, we can question our faith and doubt the Lord.

“Where is he taking us? Does he really know the way to freedom?”


So where am I facing opposition on my Lenten journey? Who or what causes me to struggle in my spiritual life?


Maybe it’s a particular temptation, a vice, a person, or a personality trait. The examples may vary, but the result is the same.

“The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”


Lent is not only about growing in self-awareness, but also about growing in discipline, training ourselves to follow Christ.

For just as Harriet Tubman led every “passenger” safely to the North, so Jesus leads every person who follows him safely into heaven.

That all begins with listening to his voice.

What, then, is the Lord saying to me today?