Did You See God Today? (A Morning Meditation, Mark 6:1-6)


“Jesus came to his native place accompanied by his disciples.” (Mark 6:1).


It’s an unfortunate truth, but most of us watch the world go by.

We go through the motions, thrive on routine, and live on the surface. Life – in all its wonder – becomes ordinary.

As a result, we unintentionally take our time, our loved ones, and our God for granted.


In the Gospel, for example, Jesus returns to his hometown. 

It’s fascinating – yet somehow expected – that those who knew him best would fail to see who he really is. 

They reduced Jesus to the stature of an ordinary man. They were used to living with him, talking to him, watching him work.

The weight of ordinary time pulled the wool over their eyes; they took their time with God for granted.


How often we do the same. We unintentionally take our lives – and the presence God within them – for granted. 

But beauty is everywhere.

There’s the voice of concern from a friend; the gift of human touch; a random word of encouragement; the splendor of the sun; the gift of night.

Before this day comes to a close, take a minute to see how blessed we are, because God visits us in many different forms.

But do we see him?