Becoming the Best Version of Ourselves: A Morning Meditation (Mark 4:21-25)


I’m sure we’ve all heard about the sudden, tragic death of Kobe Bryant.

He was one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

But he wasn’t just born that way. 

Although he was gifted with immense talent, Kobe had to invest tens of thousands of hours into becoming one of the greats.

His story is one of discipline and grace.


In the Gospel, Jesus says, “To the one who has, more will be given; from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”

God rewards the willing.

It’s one thing to be talented, for example, but another thing to be great.

So much of our success in life – or lack thereof – is determined by how hard we’re willing to work.


Perhaps this Gospel is particularly meaningful to those who’ve come across a steep mountain to climb.

Certain moments seem insurmountable in life. But all mountains can be climbed through Christ who strengthens us.

We must simply take the first step. Tomorrow the Lord will give us the grace we need to take the second step, and then the third.

Even the tallest mountains are conquered by taking one small step at a time.


“To the one who has, more will be given.”

God rewards the willing, because grace builds upon nature.

Kobe reminds us of that.

He was not only an athlete who worked hard; he was also a good man – a devoted father, husband, and faithful Catholic, who went to Mass hours before he died.

May his life remind us that God is always with us, offering us the strength we need to be the best version of ourselves, one day at a time.