Finding the “David” Inside All of Us… A Morning Meditation (Luke 5: 12-16)


Michelangelo’s David is one of the most acclaimed statues ever sculpted. It’s been admired for centuries because of its sheer size, proportionality, and the look on David’s face.

Michelangelo captures David standing before Goliath relaxed, but alert; ready to strike his enemy.

What makes this statue so incredible is the fact that Michelangelo sculpted David from an abandoned piece of marble. 

Several others tried before him but gave up; they considered the marble to be an inferior quality.

So the partially chiseled slab sat outside behind a church for over a quarter-century, waiting for Michelangelo’s magic touch. 

Once he found it, he chiseled away until he set David free.


In the Gospel, Jesus encounters a man with leprosy. 

Because of disease, he’s spent his life being treated like an abandoned slab of marble – unworthy of attention; unworthy of human touch.

Just the type of person Jesus was drawn to.

Revealing this man’s dignity, Jesus speaks to him, touches him, and chisels away his leprosy, giving him a second chance at life.


We all know someone who’s been treated like this poor leper, like an abandoned slab of marble – unworthy of attention; unworthy of human touch.

Maybe it’s the new kid in school, the person at work with a difficult personality, the addict in the family, the black sheep.

Just because a person is difficult doesn’t mean they should be ignored; rather, we’re challenged to chisel away until we bring the best out of them.

There’s a David inside all of us, a person worthy of being loved and adored.

Who, then, is the Lord inviting me to see differently today?