To Lift Burdens: Summarizing the Christian Life … (A Morning Meditation)


“Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21).


Jesus has finally started his public ministry. 

For the final three years of his life – some 1,000 days – he’ll perform miracle after miracle; healing the sick, casting out demons, and forgiving those caught in sin.

I’d say his entire life and mission can be summarized in three words: 

Jesus lifts burdens.


So must we.


I was visiting our parish school recently, for example, and I asked students in first grade, “How has another student helped you?”

“He picked up my pencil,” one said. “She helps me spell long words,” another said. “She makes me feel better when I’m sad.”

Even in first grade, our children have their share of burdens – a dropped pencil, trouble with spelling, a bad morning at home – but they know they can look to a friend for a helping hand.

They know instinctively that they, too, can lift someone else’s burdens, just like Jesus.


Turning to Jesus, what burden do I need lifted?


And turning to others, how might I help lift their burdens?


Our whole life and mission as Christians can be summarized in that way:

Like Jesus, to lift the burdens of others.