Moving Beyond Failure: A Morning Meditation


We all experience failure… It’s how we respond to it that counts.


Look at Saint Peter!

He’s spent the entire night fishing and caught nothing. That’s a pretty big failure for a professional fisherman, who will have to return home with no food or money for his family.

But then comes Jesus, who asks Peter to cast his nets once more.

“Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing,” Peter says, “but at your command I will lower the nets.”

Suddenly his nets are tearing at the seams.


Peter failed on his own, but tried again at the prompting of Jesus.

That’s key to our own spirituality – never giving up.

Like Peter, where have I failed or made a mistake? 

Maybe I lost my temper, fell into an old habit, or prioritized other things over church this summer. 


Regardless of our past, Jesus is looking at us now, saying, “Lower the nets.”

Today is a new beginning.