Why Evildoers Mingle with the Innocent: A Morning Meditation (Matthew 13:36-43)


Why does God allow evildoers to mingle with the innocent?

Or, using the imagery from the Gospel, why must the weeds grow with the wheat? Wouldn’t it be easier to burn the weeds now?


When they first sprout, weeds and wheat look quite similar. 

Any seasoned farmer knows that it’s best to wait until the weeds and wheat become fully mature before separating them; otherwise, one may be mistaken for the other.


In a similar way, Jesus waits until the end of our lives to judge what we’ve become, either a weed or wheat.

It’s his prayer that everyone turns out to be wheat. 

That should be our prayer, too. 

We should withhold our judgment, never seeing another person as a sinner incapable of change.

Rather, pray for those in most need of the Lord’s mercy, maybe even ourselves, hoping that everyone repents and believes in the Gospel.

Who is that one person I can pray for today?


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