Dealing with the unexpected: A morning meditation (Matthew 20:20-28)


Can you say that in my good ear, Lord?

I thought I just heard you predict your own death. 


For the last three years, the disciples have watched Jesus exercise power over demons, heal the sick, and develop a cult-like following.

Many want to crown him king. 

Understandably, the disciples believe that they, too, have a bright future ahead. As friends of Jesus, surely they’ll have important titles and people under their rule.

But now Jesus tells them this won’t be happening; his life and ministry are coming crashing to an end. 

“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

The disciples must have been stunned and terribly disappointed. This isn’t what they planned. Can any good come out this?


If they’re to find out, then they must hang on and trust.


Like the disciples, maybe our plans haven’t turned out the way we’d hoped – our marriage is awash in difficulty, our prayers go unanswered, we have fewer friends than we want, our work is unrewarding.

Sudden changes or turns in the road of life that leave us dazed and confused.

In these moments, we, too, must trust that Jesus can lead us forward to new life because he is God; as the Psalmist says, “even the winds and the sea obey him.”