A Meditation on the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)


By worldly standards, Mary Magdalene did nothing important with her life.

She never married… never went to college… never held public office… never owned shares in the stock market.

She was uneducated, a peasant, and by some accounts, a prostitute. 


And yet she was the first person to see the Risen Lord. 


Why is that?


She did the small things well. 

If we dig beneath the surface of her life, we’ll discover a woman whose heart was totally dedicated to Jesus.

For example, she was one of the few to stand by Jesus as he was being crucified, and was the very first to visit his tomb on Sunday morning. 

Nobody else would’ve noticed her effort. 

But God did. 


In the same way, Jesus delights when we do the small things well – we tell the truth instead of avoiding it, stay to pray after Mass, send a card to someone who’s alone, or care for a friend who’s sick.

Such small acts of kindness are never overlooked by God.

How, then, might we practice our faith today?


For today’s Mass readings go to:
