A Call to Action (Matthew 12:1-8)


What is one of the greatest public health issues of our time?




For example, some years ago, Mother Teresa visited a nursing home here in the United States.

She was stunned to see how well the residents were treated; it seemed they had everything a person could want –three hots and a cot, air-conditioning, even television.

But not a single person appeared to be smiling. 

When she asked one of the nurses why, the nurse replied, “They’re all waiting for someone to visit them. But no one ever does.”

“That’s the greatest poverty,” Mother Teresa said, “being unwanted.”

What all of those residents craved was simply a visit from someone who knew them.


In the Gospel, Jesus quotes the prophet Hosea, saying the Lord desires, “mercy, not sacrifice” (Matthew 12:7).

We can all be merciful today by taking the time to show someone else they matter.

Return a phone call, write a letter, send a text, or even pay someone a visit. 

A few minutes spent on another person can lighten their burden.


But doing so will not only make them feel better; it’ll warm our hearts, too.

2 Replies to “A Call to Action (Matthew 12:1-8)”

  1. Thanks a lot Fr.kevin for everything you did for us we miss you,God bless you.

    1. Madonna – you’re most welcome. It was my honor. Know of my continued prayers for you and your family. God bless

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