“I will be with you…”God’s promise to us (Exodus 3:1-12).


“I will be with you.”


We’ve all been in positions where it seems like life is asking us to do the impossible.

Think of the first time you laid eyes on your newborn child. How can I give this child everything he or she deserves? 

“I will be with you.”

Or the moment you show up for your first day on the job. You’re a teacher – a class full of twenty young children. Can I really teach them all how to read? 

“I will be with you.”

Or that malignant diagnosis, your first day of retirement, the moment you lose a loved one…or, in my case, the day of my priestly ordination. Can I really do this?

“I will be with you.”


These five words – “I will be with you”– are the words spoken by God to Moses in our first reading. 

Moses faced an impossible task – he was called to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land.

He was terrified – he questioned – but the Lord spoke to him from the burning bush simply promising, “I will be with you.”

The same God who guided Moses guides us today. 

Whatever our challenges or trials may be, we can move forward in confidence, for the Lord will be with us.


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