A Call to Unity… At Home and Abroad (Acts 12:24-13:5)


“The Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul… [so] they laid hands on them and sent them off” (Acts 13: 2-3).

This was the first missionary journey ever recorded. It’s believed Barnabas and Saul sailed together for three years – and they covered quite some distance.

But they were constantly on the move because their lives were being threatened at every corner.

Imagine the courage it took to preach the Gospel to total strangers – hoping they’d respond in faith – only to have them try to kill you instead!

But every time they were run out of town, Barnabas and Saul sailed another 20 miles downstream and started all over again.

That journey was only possible because they were convinced that Jesus was raised from the dead – and therefore death ultimately held no power over them, either.

Otherwise, they would’ve naturally reached a breaking point.


But here’s the other side of the coin: Barnabas and Saul sailed together. Never were they asked to be alone. As Jesus says, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”

In other words, God is always present in the community

And that’s what he wants for us – to stay together; to remain united…to remain united in our families, united in our friendships, united in our Church, united in our world.

How might I be a force for greater unity in my relationships with others today?