The Key to Happiness (John 6:30-35)

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger” (John 6:34).


I’m sure most of us have heard Bruce Springsteen’s famous song, “Everybody’s Got a Hungry Heart.”

We can sing along because we know it’s true! Everybody’s got a hungry heart.

But not everybody knows how to satisfy it.


The only way to satisfy that deep hunger within us is to love.

It’s a strange and uncomfortable truth, but the more we give ourselves away, the happier we become.


Nobody embodied this truth better than Jesus.

From his birth until his death, he gave himself away. How happy he must’ve been.


The same is true for us. The more we share our lives with others – the more we love, the more we forgive, the more we serve – the happier we become.

How might we grow together in happiness today?