A Call to be Generous (Acts 4:32-37)


Throughout the Easter season, our first reading is often taken from the Book of Acts, which describes the life of the early Church, answering questions like:

How did they pray? How did they worship God? How did these direct descendants of Christ’s teachings put them into practice?

For example, today we hear, “The community of believers was of one heart and mind, and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own” (Acts 4:32-33).


“No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own.”

For example, Barnabas sells his property and lays the profits at the feet of the Apostles so that others who are poor, thirsty, and hungry might have a meal that night.


In many ways, the Church has continued that call to deep generosity throughout the centuries.

We as an institution have started more hospitals, schools, orphanages, soup kitchens, and universities than any other group on the planet.

And you and I are challenged today to continue that tradition.

We don’t have to sell our property like Barnabas, but we do need to fight the temptation to be selfish; we must seek out ways to give ourselves away instead.

The only question is, how will you do that? How will you be generous today?