For the heavy burdened…(John 8:21-30)


Throughout this week, the Gospels will paint a picture of Jesus in very tense discussions with the religious leaders of Israel.

Though he claims to be the Son of God, or the “light of the world” as he says in yesterday’s Gospel, the scribes and Pharisees are convinced that he’s a heretic – a crazy imposter who needs to be put to death.

He’s made blasphemous claims.

This tension between Jesus and the religious leaders of his day takes a dramatic turn on Sunday when he enters Jerusalem for a final time, clashing with the very men who will put him to death.

Interestingly enough, Jesus knows what will happen. He knows his claims of being God’s Son will lead to his death.

How does he do it? How does he not retreat in fear or change his mind?


He knows that he will rise again.

In the meantime, he finds the strength he needs by praying to his Father, who alone can comfort him in these incredibly tense moments.


How many of us have felt like Jesus – afraid, overwhelmed, saddened, or insecure – as if the world is closing in around us?


It’s in these moments that he invites us to turn to him for comfort. He’s been there. He’ll always give us the strength we need to move forward in our lives.

As he says, “Come to me, all you who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.”