Ash Wednesday: A Meditation


The one thing we all must do in life is fall in love with Jesus.

There is nothing more important than that… because we are dust and unto dust we shall return.

Christ alone can make us rise from those ashes.


Out of all the days in the liturgical year, I find Ash Wednesday to be the most personal.

That black smudge of ash on my forehead reminds me of the swift passage of time, that death – my death– is coming.

I know neither the day nor the hour, only that it’s coming for me.

It seems foolish, then, to presume that I can prepare myself for that moment in my later years.

Ash Wednesday tells me to prepare myself now, because I am returning to dust – and not just me, but everything and everyone around me…

… the people I have loved… the stained glass windows that frame our church… the sun that brightens them by day…. the stars that twinkle at night… even all of you.

Everything is returning to dust. 

And one of us here is next.


Remember, however, some of the final words of Jesus. On the eve of his own death, he says to his disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:6).

To be “troubled” in the sense that Jesus used it meant to be, “overwhelmed by the fear of death.”

Do not be overwhelmed by death, he says.

Death is coming for us all. But we do not need to be afraid.

That cross of ash smeared onto our forehead reminds us that we’ve been saved by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who loved us to the very end.

Our mission in life is to do the same – to love our God to the very end… until the moment we return to dust.

If we do, then we shall rise from those ashes again.


Make this Lent count – pray, fast, be charitable – for it may be your last.