“I did it my way.” … But should you? … A morning meditation.


“Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it” (Mark 10:15).


Have you ever seen a newborn child?

It’s amazing how utterly dependent babies are upon their parents for life, love, food and shelter.

But as soon as they reach the “terrible two’s,” children start thinking on their own. Even before the age of reason, they know that that toy is “mine,” not yours!

It’s the beginning of a child’s independence.

Any parent can tell you that independent streak only strengthens as children become teenagers.

And as we become adults our independence – or self-reliance – becomes even stronger.

For example, how many of us hate asking for help?

Or how many of us try shouldering life’s burdens alone?

Like a child with its toy, we say this is my problem, my stress, or even my life, not yours.

We celebrate that independent attitude Frank Sinatra sang about, “I did it my way.”

It’s a behavior we started learning as children.


Today’s Gospel addresses that independent streak within us – a streak that may not be so healthy after all.

Jesus tells us plainly we must approach him like a newborn child, not like a strong, self-reliant adult.

If we do, then he’ll grant us the grace (you might say the milk) we need to grow stronger.

Away, then, with the self-reliant, “my way” attitude.

Whatever our prayers, our burdens, our sins or desires may be, they are not “ours.”

They belong to Jesus.