Make a difference. Shine today.


Imagine life without light.


For example, if you opened your fridge, you wouldn’t find the milk.

If you woke up in the middle of the night, good luck.

Or if you came to church for Mass, you wouldn’t see the altar.


Light is essential to how we live our lives. But different size light bulbs are needed for different settings. 

In that fridge, for example, you only need the smallest of bulbs, even though it makes a world of difference!

In your room, you need a larger bulb.

And in the church, you need even larger bulbs.

Each light has a different purpose, but they all must shine. 


In a similar way, God calls us to be light in different ways, in different settings. 

Saint John Bosco, for example, whose feast we celebrate today, spent his life serving and educating poor, at-risk youth. For these children, John was thesource of light in a world otherwise filled with darkness.

But what about us? How are we called to be light – in our homes, at work, in our parish, and in our world?


Remember, we don’t need to do anything significant to shine.

Remember the light in your fridge. Even the smallest of bulbs can make a world of difference if it’s placed in the right setting.