This is the only encounter in the Gospels between two women… and they’re both carrying secrets.
Both Mary and Elizabeth are holding onto the most intimate secret a woman can physically experience – being pregnant. And why either of them is pregnant is strange, almost unbelievable.
Mary conceived by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit and Elizabeth in her old age.
So instead of celebrating, throwing huge baby showers surrounded by their family and friends, they must celebrate together… quietly, unnoticed by the outside world.
They might not have much … but they have one another. And that’s what counts in the end. In fact, we see just how strong and nourishing their relationship was, as Mary stays with Elizabeth for three full months.
This encounter between them reminds all of us just how much we need other people – we need friends who bring out the best in us, who encourage us, who nourish our hearts with love, who affirm us in our faith.
How am I a friend for others? How do I nourish other people with love, much like Elizabeth did for Mary?
Remember, doing so always comes at a cost.
Elizabeth let Mary stay with her for as long as she needed. She offered Mary the comfort of her home, her food, and above all, her heart.
And that’s what we must all do as Christians – love and support one another as friends, no matter what the cost may be.