Seize the Day! … It May Be Your Last

(Gospel: “… So from that day on they planned to kill him…” (John 11:53)


Jesus refers to his death as his “hour,” the crowning moment of his life and ministry.

John, in particular, paints a haunting picture of Jesus, who is painfully aware of this moment from the very beginning of his ministry to the very end of his life.

Jesus knows it’s going to happen.

So when the Sadducees and Pharisees finally plot to kill Jesus in today’s Gospel, he has already known it would happen for the last three years.

Imagine that burden.

Imagine the psychological, the physical, the spiritual, and the emotional burden that Jesus carried. For at least three years, he knew how and when he’d leave this world.

But instead of changing course or walking a different path, Jesus keeps on going. Each day he recommits himself to preaching the Truth, to  healing, loving, and serving those in need.

He has no regrets.


Unlike Jesus, we cannot number our days. Some of us may have three years to live; others may have more, others may have less. We know neither the day nor the hour. All that’s guaranteed is today.

Should this not give us an even greater incentive to make each day count?

Let’s think like Jesus. How can we use this day to spread love, to bring glory to God and peace to his people on earth?

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