“A Burning and Shining Lamp”: The Christian Mission (John 5:31-47)

In the Gospel today, Jesus refers to John the Baptist as a “burning and shining lamp,” meaning he revealed something of God to others (John 5:35).

John lived a simple life. He wasn’t rich or powerful; he was poor, often hungry, dirty, and covered in camel’s hair. He lived in the desert.

His appearance was rather off-putting; yet people traveled long distances to listen to him preach, because his words cut to their hearts like a sword. The Spirit of God was burning within him like a shining lamp and that is what attracted so many.


Whether we’re aware of it or not, the world sees us like John the Baptist. Like John, we claim to know God. We claim to love him. We promise to act like him. Thus we’re held accountable for our daily words and actions. All of them.

How often do my words lead others to God? Or how often do they lead others astray?

This is the simple, humbling, and often difficult scope of our mission: to be a “burning and shining lamp,” to lead others to Christ.

How will I do that today?