Pentecost: A Reflection On My Third Anniversary as a Priest

Three years ago, on this feast of Pentecost, I celebrated my very first Mass. It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies.

And while I’d love to reflect upon every lesson I’ve learned, I’d break my cardinal rule of preaching – no long homilies! So let me share what I can briefly through a story.


A few years ago I was in the Holy Land for Christmas. I remember feeling overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells; that part of the world is a strange combination of ancient and modern forcibly weaved into one.

I remember, in particular, visiting the town of Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. As I wondered along, I reached the edge of town where I noticed a young boy shepherding his flock of sheep across a busy street.

Leading the charge were the young ones, moving so energetically it seemed they were dancing.

But in the very back was an old ewe with dusty brown fleece. She walked with a terrible limp, perhaps the result of arthritis or a broken leg. With every step, she jerked her neck back and forth, throwing her body forward.

She was visibly terrified of being left behind.

Sheep are not very smart animals, but they have a natural herding mentality. If one becomes separated from the flock, it literally stands in place and shakes in fear, waiting either for its shepherd …. or for death.

Sheep just cannot survive on their own.

Thankfully, that young boy noticed what was happening, so he moved to the back and gently helped that old ewe across the street. Routine, perhaps.

But if the young sheep in front weren’t paying attention to what was happening, then they would’ve become the ones who were lost.

The truth is a sheep’s strength lies not in its youth or in its energy, but in its proximity to the shepherd. He is their sole guide and source of strength. Without him, they can do nothing.


I’ve found the same to be true for me as a priest, and as a disciple. My strength – and I dare say my “success” – lies not in my own natural talents or abilities, but in my proximity to Jesus, the shepherd. 

He is my guide and my strength. As it is written in the Psalms, “The LORD is my shepherd. There is nothing I shall want… To safe waters you lead me; you restore my strength. You guide me along the right path.” (Psalm 23)

Isn’t that’s true for all of us? When we we’re in need, when we face important decisions, when fear or temptations overwhelm us, we must turn to Jesus for help. He is our shepherd who guides us “along the right path.”


But this is only one side of the coin. While we must be concerned with our own salvation – our own relationship with Jesus – we must also care about the salvation of others.

Remember the attentiveness of that young boy from Bethlehem. He knew his flock. He knew who was safe, and who needed his attention. He saw that struggling ewe and went straight to her aid.

In the same way, I’ve done my best to know your stories, to find those in need of a shepherd. I think in particular about those whom I’ve baptized, married, prayed for at Mass, visited at home, anointed, and buried.

I’ve done my best to lead each of you a little closer to Jesus.

But that is something we are all called to do. To love, to heal, to serve.

Think of our sick and homebound parishioners, those who are distant from the Church, those who are mourning, lost, or are simply in need of a listening ear or a friend. How do we come to their aid?

Often a simple phone call, a hand written letter or maybe some flowers, a personal visit, or a heartfelt prayer makes the difference.


In the end, we’re like that herd of sheep crossing that busy street in Bethlehem. We’re one flock, joined together as one family of faith. Some of us may be young and energetic, while others may be struggling just to get by.

But we must struggle together.

This what makes us equals: our dependence upon Jesus, the shepherd. Without him we can do nothing. But with him we can do anything. To him be the glory now and forever. Amen.



“That They May Be One” … A Message of Unity on Mother’s Day (John 17: 11- 19)

This crazy weather reminds me of a joke I heard recently about a man who gets stuck in a storm.

The rain is pounding on his windows so hard it looks like his house is going to flood. So he gets down on his knees and begins to pray, “God save me!”

Then, he hears a gentle whisper, “Fear not! I will save you!”

The rain continues.

Suddenly, his neighbors drive by offering to save him. But he says to them, “No, God is going to save me!” 

The rain continues.

Then, the water starts pouring into the first floor of his home, so he moves up to the second floor, where he continues to pray, “God, save me!”

The fire department comes and lays a ladder against his bedroom window, offering to save him. But he says again, “No, God is going to save me!”

The rain continues.

Finally, he makes his way to the roof. The Coast Guard comes with a helicopter, drops a ladder down to him, offering to save him. But, he replies once again, “No! GOD is going to save me!”

So he drowns.

When he gets to heaven, he says to God, “Where were you? You said you were going to save me!” … God looks at him and says, “I did try to save you! I sent your neighbors, the fire department, and the US Coast Guard!”


We can easily laugh at this man’s foolishness, but the truth is we are God’s hands and feet in the world; God works through us to accomplish his will.

And today we hear one of his deepest desires for us through the prayer of Jesus, “…that they may be one as we are one” (John 17:22). God desires a world where we live in peace.

Maybe that’s why he gives us moms, because moms want nothing more than peace in their homes, just like Jesus.

That was certainly true for me growing up.

I remember how sad Mom would be when my brother and I argued over petty things like who would sit in the front seat of the car, whether the shirt I was wearing that day was his, or whether or not I could hang out with his friends.

Mom wanted us to spend our time laughing at the dinner table, paging through photo albums she made for us, or walking together along a white sandy beach on those occasional family vacations.

When my brother and I were at peace, Mom was at peace. As she often said to us, “Seeing the two of you happy together does a Mamma’s heart good.”


Mom passed away four years ago. She’s no longer able to urge my brother and me to get along; rather, we must put that effort in ourselves. But she taught us an important lesson: the closer we are, the happier we will be.

The truth is we’re all called to work for deeper unity in our families, because family is God’s gift to us! They are the ones who love us first in the world.

So how can we strengthen our family bonds?


And secondly, how can we work for greater peace in our world?

God wants us to be “one” in mind and heart. He hates division and conflict, just like moms do.

Think about how sad God must be when he gazes upon the homebound who feel forgotten, families fighting, young people struggling with addictions, and people begging for bread on our streets.

God is not blind to their needs. He wants to help them!

But he reaches them through us. Remember the man standing on his roof, waiting for God to act. God was not blind to his need! He sent his neighbors, the fire department, and the US Coast Guard to help him.

In the same way, God sends us to bring peace to the world, and to answer peoples’ prayers. Are we willing to act on his behalf?


If so, then how might we do that this week? Let’s keep our eyes open and find out.

A Message for Families: “Love One Another” (John 15:9-17)

Pop culture often reflects what we think, value, and believe. For example, one thing that we all value is family.

So there’s been a variety shows over the years like the Partridge Family, the Simpsons, Married with Children, or Modern Family, that attempt to reflect different experiences of family life. We may relate to some of them, or maybe none at all.

But I’m sure we’d all agree that the family is the place where the deepest love – and yet the deepest wounds – can be felt. It’s the place where plates can fly one minute, and shouts of laughter can be heard the next.

It is where life is created, where children are affirmed, where we find our deepest sense of belonging. It’s a place where Jesus eagerly desires to make himself known.

And today he tells us how to make God present: “Love one another” (John 15:17).


I grew up in a single-parent household, so my family consisted of my mom, my older brother, me, and a few pets along the way. Thus Mom had the sole joy and the sole responsibility of raising us, whatever the highs or lows may have been.

For example, I remember when I was little I would occasionally have nightmares. I’d wake up in a panic, and rush downstairs to my mother’s room, where I’d curl up with a blanket and sleep at the foot of her bed.

She was never bothered by my presence. She’d just sit up, kiss me on the forehead, and assure me that everything would be ok. The boogey man lurking in my dreams wouldn’t catch me that night…

I also remember the years Mom spent driving my brother and me to school before going off to work herself. Eight to ten hours later, she’d come home, prepare us dinner, do the dishes, and tuck me back into bed.

Mom wasn’t perfect, but in many ways, she was my hero. She put clothes on my back, food in my stomach, and a roof over my head. Most importantly, she loved me. She said it, she showed it, and I knew it.


I’m sure all of our parents gathered here this morning make the same sacrifices for their children.

You get up and go to work everyday, even when you’re tired; you bring them to church, you do the laundry, cook dinner at night, buy your children clothes and toys, even when money is tight…

… you listen to their dreams, cheer them on at their sporting events, affirm them with hugs, and hope that somehow their futures will be better than your own.

This is how Jesus reaches out to us – he hugs us, he laughs with us, he cries with us, and he blesses us through our families.

Together, we build up the kingdom of God one day, one small gesture, at a time.

Let’s pause, then, and consider how exactly we do that in our own homes. How do we build up the kingdom of God by loving one another as Jesus has commanded us?


Conversely, do we ever tear that kingdom down? Are we ever rude or disrespectful towards one another? Do we ever fight? Do we miss opportunities to listen to each other, to pray together, or to spend quality time together?

Are there ways that we might grow in love?


Let me offer just one suggestion. We must remember our grandparents. They are the bearers of our history, the ones who loved us first.

But life can get so busy that we can forget to include them, causing some of our grandparents to fear they will be forgotten. If you’re able to, thank them and tell them you love them today.


And maybe that’s the key for any family, any marriage, or any close relationship – end each day on a positive note, reminding those closest to you just how much they’re loved.

If we do, then we will continue building the kingdom of God one day, one small gesture, at a time.