“Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it bears no fruit.”


Gospel: John 12: 20-33

Some Greeks who had come to worship at the Passover Feast
came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, 
and asked him, “Sir, we would like to see Jesus.”
Philip went and told Andrew; 
then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.
Jesus answered them, 
“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
Amen, amen, I say to you, 
unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, 
it remains just a grain of wheat; 
but if it dies, it produces much fruit.
Whoever loves his life loses it,
and whoever hates his life in this world
will preserve it for eternal life.
Whoever serves me must follow me, 
and where I am, there also will my servant be.
The Father will honor whoever serves me.

“I am troubled now.  Yet what should I say?
‘Father, save me from this hour’?
But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.
Father, glorify your name.”
Then a voice came from heaven, 
“I have glorified it and will glorify it again.”
The crowd there heard it and said it was thunder; 
but others said, “An angel has spoken to him.”
Jesus answered and said, 
“This voice did not come for my sake but for yours.
Now is the time of judgment on this world; 
now the ruler of this world will be driven out.
And when I am lifted up from the earth, 
I will draw everyone to myself.”
He said this indicating the kind of death he would die.

The Gospel of the Lord.



“Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.”


Death is neither something we like to talk about, nor something we look forward to.

When we hear that someone has died, often the first question we ask is, “How old was that person?” Consciously or unconsciously, it’s a gut check; a way of measuring our own time here on earth.

If the person was much older than us, then we sigh a sigh of relief. There’s still time… And, hopefully, lots of it.

But if they were either the same age or younger than us, then we are saddened by the reality of death, which has come too close.

The truth is, we spend most of our lives avoiding death – not only the event itself, but also thinking about it. But we cannot prepare for something that we deny or are trying to avoid.


In today’s Gospel, Jesus places this theme front and center.

However, he is not drawing our focus to the physical death that he and his disciples will experience; rather, the invitation to eternal life that comes through the path of love, surrender, and giving one’s self away.

“Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies,” he says, “it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.”

Again, what type of death is Jesus talking about?

It’s not something physical

It’s something far more important – and difficult. 

It’s the death to self.

The change in perspective from “me” to “we.” 


Think about this in terms of a child.

When a child is first born, all it can think about is itself. If the child is hungry, tired, hot, or cold, then it’ll let you – and everyone around you – know, “I’m not happy.” It’ll cry until it gets exactly what it wants.

But as that child matures, he or she must learn how to live in a world beyond its own immediate needs and desires, beyond that little world of “me.” Otherwise, it will remain what it once was – a child. 

You might say, we all must learn how to become like a grain of wheat that dies to ourselves, making a positive contribution to our family, to society, and to God by living in a world of “we,” not just “me.”

In fact, this was one of the very first lessons that Saint Paul taught the early Christians. In his First Letter to the Corinthians, he writes:

“Brothers and sisters, I could not talk to you as spiritual people, but as fleshly people, as infants in Christ… For you are still of the flesh. While there is jealously and rivalry among you, are you not of the flesh, and behaving in an ordinary human way?”

The challenge for the Corinthians – as it remains for us all these years later – is to live the words of Saint Paul, who proclaims, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ living in me.”


This is not something foreign or contrary to human nature. It’s a law written by God into our hearts – the more we give, the more we have.

Parents understand this well. The more you contribute to the life, health, and happiness of your children, the happier you become. 

The more you support your spouse or a friend, the happier you become.

The more we offer ourselves in ministry, contributing to the life and growth of this faith community, the more fulfilled we become, because it is in giving that we receive.

Each of us is already like a grain of wheat. We live in a world beyond ourselves; love sprouts wherever we’ve been planted.

But during this season of Lent, in what ways is the Lord inviting us to give a little more – to be a tad more generous; to forgive a little quicker; to offer a little more of our time to others?

As Mother Teresa once said, “Love until it hurts.”


Death is not something we like to talk about, nor is it something we look forward to – not in a physical sense. 

But the Lord reminds us today, “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.”

For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. It is in dying that we are born to eternal life. 



Image credits: (1) Japanese Congregational Church (2) Indian Catholic Matters (3) Crosswalk.com

Preparing for the “hour” of the Lord.


Gospel: John 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30

Jesus moved about within Galilee;
he did not wish to travel in Judea,
because the Jews were trying to kill him.
But the Jewish feast of Tabernacles was near.

But when his brothers had gone up to the feast,
he himself also went up, not openly but as it were in secret.

Some of the inhabitants of Jerusalem said,
“Is he not the one they are trying to kill?
And look, he is speaking openly and they say nothing to him.
Could the authorities have realized that he is the Christ?
But we know where he is from.
When the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from.”
So Jesus cried out in the temple area as he was teaching and said,
“You know me and also know where I am from.
Yet I did not come on my own,
but the one who sent me, whom you do not know, is true.
I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me.”
So they tried to arrest him,
but no one laid a hand upon him,
because his hour had not yet come.

The Gospel of the Lord.



“No one laid a hand on him because his hour had not come.” 


Throughout John’s Gospel, Jesus makes constant reference to his “hour.” 

We first hear him speak about it at the wedding at Cana, when Jesus turns 150 gallons of water into wine at the prompting of Mary.

We hear him reference his “hour” again in today’s Gospel. The religious authorities are collapsing in on him, plotting to kill him, but they cannot do so yet because his “hour” has not come.

Everything that Jesus does throughout his ministry, every sermon he preaches, every miracle he performs is somehow inspired by – and related to – this “hour.”

So, what is the “hour” Jesus is so aware of?


The “hour” of his crucifixion, death, and resurrection. As he says the night he’s arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, “for this hour have I come.”


In two weeks from today, you and I will journey with Jesus into the Garden of Gethsemane, through his arrest, trial, and crucifixion, then to the empty tomb on Easter Sunday. 

Jesus prepared his whole life for this hour, just as you and I should be preparing ourselves spiritually this Lent.  

So, how’s it going? Have we had a fruitful Lent thus far? Have we sacrificed with the Lord? Have we served him in our neighbor? Have we prepared our hearts for the scandal of the Cross?


There’s only two weeks left until Good Friday. Jesus will embrace his “hour” with incredible courage, knowing that his death leads to his resurrection.

Make every effort to remain by his side. For his resurrection promises your own.



Image credits: (1) Time Lords: The Clocks that Rule our World, BBC (2) Heinrich Hofmann, Public Domain (3) Christianity.com

Why Christians should live like a tea candle.


Gospel: John 5: 31-47

Jesus said to the Jews: 
“If I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is not true.
But there is another who testifies on my behalf,
and I know that the testimony he gives on my behalf is true.
You sent emissaries to John, and he testified to the truth.
I do not accept human testimony,
but I say this so that you may be saved.
He was a burning and shining lamp,
and for a while you were content to rejoice in his light.
But I have testimony greater than John’s.
The works that the Father gave me to accomplish,
these works that I perform testify on my behalf
that the Father has sent me.
Moreover, the Father who sent me has testified on my behalf.
But you have never heard his voice nor seen his form,
and you do not have his word remaining in you,
because you do not believe in the one whom he has sent.
You search the Scriptures,
because you think you have eternal life through them;
even they testify on my behalf.
But you do not want to come to me to have life.

“I do not accept human praise;
moreover, I know that you do not have the love of God in you. 
I came in the name of my Father,
but you do not accept me;
yet if another comes in his own name,
you will accept him.
How can you believe, when you accept praise from one another
and do not seek the praise that comes from the only God?
Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father:
the one who will accuse you is Moses,
in whom you have placed your hope.
For if you had believed Moses,
you would have believed me,
because he wrote about me. 
But if you do not believe his writings,
how will you believe my words?”

The Gospel of the Lord.



Every morning before I begin praying at my desk, I light a tea candle and place it in a stand. That candle burns bright for over an hour until its little wick runs out, disappearing into a silhouette of smoke.

Symbolically, that candle reminds me of John the Baptist, whom Jesus praises in today’s Gospel.

“He was a burning and shining lamp,” Jesus says, “and for a while you were content to rejoice in his light.”


Like a tea candle, John gave off light, leading people to Christ. 

And just as a candle warms whatever is near it, John warmed human hearts with his goodness.

Above all, like a candle, John slowly burned away his life, his understanding, his entire will until only Christ remained. 

As he himself said, “He must increase, and I must decrease.”


In what ways are we like John the Baptist? 

Do we emit the light of Christ? 

Do we attract others by our warmth? 

Do we allow the Holy Spirit to melt away our plans and desires until only Christ is left?


Lent is the time for us to live more like John, who like a little candle, gave himself away.



Image credits: (1) FireFly Fuel, Tea Candle (2) Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (3) Everypixel.com