Patient Peter: A Lesson From a Fisherman (A Sunday Meditation)


Today Jesus says to Peter, “I will make you a fisher of men.” Key to Peter’s success will be patience.


Now I have two rubber bands in my hand. 

One is very long. The other is very short.


Some of us are like this long rubber band. We’re incredibly patient. We can be stretched a long, long way – miles – before we snap.

Others are like this tiny rubber band – we can only be stretched a little before we snap.

Which one am I like? This long one or the short one?


Ultimately, it doesn’t matter which one we are; at some point we all get stretched too far and snap. 

We yell. We shout. We scream. We cry. We say things we don’t mean. 

And often enough we do this to the people we love the most. 


Perhaps that’s why Jesus chose Peter to be the first, “fisher of men.” He’s a model for all of us to follow, particularly at home.

As a fisherman, Peter had to be patient.

Sometimes he would go fishing all night, never catching a single fish. But did he throw his fishing pole into the water, yelling something like, “Darn you fish!” 


Did he change jobs after a fruitless night of fishing? No. 

Did he give up? No.

He was patient. 

Day after day, Peter lowered his line into the water and waited for the fish to bite.


He would need that same type of patience – the patience of a fishermen – to bring people to Jesus, because people can be incredibly slow to change – and slow to believe. 

If, for example, people didn’t accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior after the first time Peter preached and he snapped at them for being slow to believe, then they’d all run away!

Nobody likes a grouchy, fire and brimstone style preacher.

Peter will change people’s hearts slowly over time, luring them with kindness, with patience, and by gradually teaching them the truth by his words and actions.

Conversion is often a slow process.


Like Peter, we’re called to bring people closer to Jesus – not further away. But that requires a fisherman’s patience.

Think about our classmates, our colleagues, our friends, our siblings, our parents, our spouse, our children, the list goes on.

How can we stretch ourselves a little more and bring them closer to Jesus?


Maybe that means being a better listener, holding my tongue, giving someone else the last word, the benefit of the doubt, a second chance, or not picking at their faults.


Whether we’re like this long rubber band or this short one, we can all stretch ourselves a little more with God’s grace, because the Lord is just as patient with us, for he desires to draw all people to himself.

Denying Our Lower Selves: A Higher Calling (A Morning Meditation)


“Where have all the men gone?” a young Michael Corleone asks his bodyguard as they stroll through a quaint town in Sicily.

His bodyguard turns and says, “Sono tutti morti per le vendette.” 

“They’re all dead from vendettas.” 


The Godfather is one of the most popular films in history. People, it seems, have a dark, timeless curiosity with the mafia – how it works, who wins, who loses.

And who’s next. 

There’s something strangely satisfying about watching your enemy get what he deserves.

You double-cross Michael Corleone, you’re dead.


In our first reading, the Lord has delivered Saul, the man who becomes the Apostle Paul, into the hands of Ananias. 

If Ananias was not a devoutly Christian man, then I’m sure he’d be quick to kill Saul for all the evil he’s done, just like Michael Corleone would satisfy a vendetta. 

Saul has persecuted, imprisoned, and killed many Christians. But the Lord invites Ananias to forgive him, to lay his hands over Saul’s eyes, to heal him, and set him free.


Anyone can imagine how hard that must’ve been – forgiving someone who’s hated your faith and hurt you deeply. 

But the Lord invites Ananias to deny his lower self and make the effort to be reconciled with his brother, instead.

As Christians, we seek reconciliation, not revenge. 

Is there anyone, then, that the Lord is inviting me to forgive? Or maybe I need to seek forgiveness myself.


While movies like The Godfather entertain our lower selves, the Lord invites us to a higher calling, to love one another the way he has loved us.

Sins are like Spilt Milk: Easy to Clean Up! (A Sunday Meditation)

Note: This homily was given at the children’s Mass. The regular Sunday homily is written below this one.


What happens when we knock over a bowl of cereal?


The milk spills across the table.


And what do we do in order to clean up the milk? 

After saying, “Oh, darn!” We rush into the kitchen, grab a roll of paper towels and wipe it up!

I like Bounty, “the quilted quicker picker upper!”

It’ll absorb anything.


Think of Jesus like a roll of Bounty paper towels.

In the Gospel, John the Baptist calls him, “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”

Meaning, Jesus has come to clean up the mess we’ve made. All of those arguments at home, any lies we’ve told, those leftover grudges and feelings of greed from the holidays.

Jesus wants to wipe these sins away.


By a show of hands, how many of us celebrated our First Reconciliation?

I wonder, have we gone since? Or are we in need of a good, cleansing confession?


Jesus wants to wipe our sins away like a puddle of spilt milk, because he’s the, “quilted, quicker picker upper!”

Will we ask him to?